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Text File | 1997-07-31 | 19.4 KB | 476 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- #####################
- BibTeX mode for Alpha
- #####################
- This document describes features of Bib mode and the BibTeX menu, which
- were written to simplify the use and maintenance of BibTeX citation
- database files.
- Bib Mode
- ========
- Bib mode is entered when you open a file with a '.bib' suffix, or
- when select the mode explicitly from the modes menu. In Bib mode,
- • A BibTeX menu is added to the menubar. Commands available from this
- menu are summarized in the next section below.
- • Selecting 'Mark File' in the Marks menu, "{}" on the sidebar, will
- add an index mark for the cite-key of each entry in the bib file.
- Marks are added in order of appearance in the file. To order them
- alphabetically, use the "Sort Marks…:Alphabetically" command on the
- Bibtex menu.
- • Key words in Bib files are automatically colorized.
- • Double-clicking on an abbreviation string with the command key held
- down ("command-double-clicking") will move the cursor to the definition
- of that abbreviation.
- • Command-double-clicking on the cite-key of a "crossref" field will
- move the cursor to the referenced entry.
- BibTeX menu
- ===========
- Here's a description of the commands available from the BibTeX menu:
- (key bindings are indicated where available)
- BibTeX interaction
- ------------------
- Bibtex Switch to the BibTeX application (launching it if necessary).
- Template insertion
- ------------------
- Entries > Insert a template for any of the various BibTeX bibliography
- entry types (as in Tex mode).
- By default, only the required fields an the entry are included in
- the template. This can be customized as described below.
- Choosing "Custom Entry" lets you pick the fields to be included
- from a list of all fields.
- Fields > Insert a template for any of the various BibTeX bibliography
- data fields.
- Choosing "Custom Field" inserts a template without a pre-written
- field name.
- Choosing "Multiple Fields" lets you pick the a number fields to
- be included at once.
- Entry Navigation, etc.
- ----------------------
- Select Entry Select (highlight) the current entry (in which the cursor sits),
- allowing the entry to be easily moved, copied or deleted.
- (Ctl-Shift-B)
- Next Entry Jump to the top of the next entry.
- (Ctl-Shift-N)
- Prev Entry Jump to the top of the previous entry.
- (Ctl-Shift-P)
- Format Entry Reformat the current entry in a standard form, with data
- fields indented and aligned, and data-field delimiters
- made uniform.
- (Ctl-Shift-L)
- Afterwards, Alpha jumps forward to the next entry, so you
- can keep hitting Ctl-Shift-L to reformat a number of entries
- in a row.
- The format may be customized using the formatting flags
- and variables in the flags menu ("√" on the sidebar).
- Copy Cite Key Copy the cite key for the current entry to the clipboard
- Sorting and Searching
- ---------------------
- Search Entries Search for entries that match a given regular expression.
- (Ctl-Shift-M)
- Search Fields Search for entries in which a particular field matches a
- regular expression.
- (Ctl-Shift-F)
- Entries found in a search will be copied to a new window
- (the default) or back into the original buffer, replacing
- the previous contents of the buffer; this is controlled by
- the "overwriteBuffer" mode flag.
- Sort by… > Sort the database by one of various criteria...
- Cite Key Sort by the citatation key
- First Author, Year Sort by first or last author, and secondarily by year
- Last Author, Year
- Year, First Author Sort by year, and secondarily by first or last author
- Year, Last Author
- The "overwriteBuffer" mode flag also controls whether the
- sorted database is written back to the original buffer or into
- a new one.
- Sort Marks… >
- Alphabetically Sort the index marks on the marks menu alphabetically.
- By Position Sort the index marks by the position of the entry.
- Other
- -----
- Count Entries Report the total number of entries, as well the number
- of entries of each type.
- Format All Entries Reformat the current entry and all subsequent entries to
- end of the file.
- You can interrupt this by hitting the "Cmd-." key
- Mode Flags and Variables
- ========================
- The behavior of the Bibtex menu may be controlled using by setting the
- various flags and variables in the flags menu ("√") on the sidebar.
- These are...
- …For Entry Formatting
- ---------------------
- alignEquals Line up the "=" signs for all fields when reformatting
- entryBraces Use curly braces to delimit entries (otherwise parentheses
- are used).
- fieldBraces Use curly braces to delimit field values (otherwise
- quotation marks are used).
- zapEmptyFields Remove optional fields if they're empty.
- fillColumn The maximum width of each line in the field value.
- indentString Define the indentation string for field names.
- stdAbbrevs Define standard abbreviations (which we avoid surrounding
- with delimiters) that do not appear in @string entries.
- By default, the three-letter English month names are included.
- …For Sorting and Searching
- --------------------------
- overwriteBuffer Allow sorts and searches to replace the original window
- contents. (Otherwise they are written to a new window.)
- Note: The contents of a ".bib" file, will never be overwritten by
- a search, since entries are typically lost.
- A ".bib" file _can_ be overwritten by a sort, since no
- entries are lost.
- descendingYears Sort by year in descending order (most recent to oldest)
- markStrings Include @string definitions in the marks menu.
- segregateStrings Collect all @string definitions together at the top
- of the file in sorts. (Otherwise sort alphabetically)
- Key Bindings
- ============
- Most of these functions (except template insertion) are also bound to
- keystrokes. The standard bindings are
- Ctl-Shift-N next entry
- Ctl-Shift-P previous entry
- Ctl-Shift-B select entry
- Ctl-Shift-L format entry
- Ctl-Shift-M search entries
- Ctl-Shift-F search fields
- tab next tab stop (as in TeX mode)
- Shift-tab previous tab stop ( " " " " )
- Ctl-tab nth tab stop ( " " " " )
- Cmd-tab clear tab stop ( " " " " )
- Opt-tab insert a real tab ( " " " " )
- Although the TeX-mode keybindings aren't available in Bib mode, the
- LaTeX menu is left on the menubar. This may be useful for inserting the
- various text-style codes that are recognized in BibTeX fields.
- Customizing Entry Templates
- ===========================
- Only the required fields are included by default when a new bib entry is
- created. You can select any other set of fields by adding an
- appropriate entry to the 'myFld' array, following the example for the
- Article entry in the file ":SystemCode:bibtex.tcl", accessible through
- the Filesets menu.
- Some day I'll make it easier to customize this, but for now it's
- necessary to modify bibtex.tcl.
- You should _not_ change the 'rqdFld' or 'optFld' arrays, since these
- will (some day) be used for syntax checking.
- Bugs, etc.
- ==========
- Bug reports, complaints and suggestions are very welcome. Most of the
- improvements and bug fixes made since the last major release (2.0) were
- the result of reports and suggestions from users.
- Reports can be directed to the author at
- Tom Pollard <pollard@cucbs.chem.columbia.edu>
- You can also send mail to Tom Scavo (trscavo@syr.edu> or Pete Keleher
- <keleher@cs.umd.edu> and they'll forward your comments to me.
- Version History
- ---------------
- 2.7 (7/95) 'stdAbbrevs' modeVar added for setting predefined abbrevs
- month names included as predefined abbrevs
- 'alignEquals' formatting flag added.
- 2.62 (7/95) field delimiters suppressed if field data is an abbreviation
- unindexed .bib files are indexed automatically upon opening
- 2.61 (7/95) fixed "SearchFields" bug.
- 2.6 (6/95) 'zapEmptyFields' flag forces optional fields to be removed
- when reformatting an entry.
- 'markStrings' flag controls whether @string entries are included in
- the marks menu.
- 'descendingYears' flag controls whether sorts are in ascending or
- descending chronological order.
- Sorts all use the year as either primary or secondary sort key now.
- 'copyCiteKey' command copies the citekey of the current entry to the
- clipboard.
- Cmd-double-clicking implemented to resolve abbreviations and crossrefs.
- Fixed bug in faster getFields proc (comma-after-last-field problems)
- Fixed minor bugs in author sorting.
- 2.5 (6/95) Fixed bug in formatEntry, whereby '#' concatenations were lost
- formatEntry completely ignores @string entries now
- Entry-parsing code (getFields, getFldVal) cleaned up,
- should also be a little bit faster now.
- formatAllEntries now starts working from the current entry
- 2.41 (6/95) Updates for compatibility with revised LaTeX mode
- Automatic conversion of international characters dropped
- (irreconcilable problems with non-US keyboards).
- 2.4 (5/95) Fixed bugs in parsing of EndNote-created bib files
- 2.3 (4/95) International characters converted to TeX codes (optionally).
- 'findEntries' bug fixed (no longer returns multiple hits)
- 2.2 (12/94) 'formatEntries' won't quote fields that contain "#".
- 'segregateStrings' flag forces string defs to sort to the top.
- 2.11(12/94) Bug fixes in 'formatAllEntries'.
- 2.1 (12/94) 'countEntries' command added.
- 'formatAllEntries' command added; it's a bit clunky, but more robust
- than any quicker alternative I considered.
- Cross-referenced entries now sort to the bottom in all sorts.
- 'crossref' field now included.
- 2.0 (9/94) 'formatEntry' and 'newEntry' line up fields better.
- 'nextEntry' and 'prevEntry' skip @string defs
- 'formatEntry' automtically goes to next entry afterwards.
- 'sortByCitekey' ignores case of cite keys.
- 'fillColumn' included as default modeVar.
- 'getEntry' alerts user to badly delimited entries.
- 1.9 (9/94) 'getFields' should now correctly parse any legal entry.
- 'language' field now included.
- Default values for new fields (eg 'language') may be defined
- 'preferBraces' replaced by 'fieldBraces' and 'entryBraces'.
- line-wrapping is done on reformatted entries.
- '@string' entries preserved in sorts.
- text before first entry and after last entry are preserved
- by sorts.
- 1.8 (8/94) "getEntry" now recognizes parens as entry delimiters
- 1.7 (8/94) Bug fixes and accomodations to latex.tcl v2.2
- Template insertion streamlined
- Choose multiple fields at a time from a list dialog
- 1.6 (8/94) "preferBraces" allows braces or quotes to be default for
- new or reformatted entries,
- Menu built using $entryNames and $fieldNames,
- 'sortByAuthors' can now sort using last author first,
- and is a bit faster,
- 'formatEntry' rewrites entries in canonical format,
- More customization of canonical format allowed ('indentString')
- Bib mode definition adapted to Alpha 5.90.
- 1.5 (7/94) "sortByAuthors" is now robust,
- Mode of new windows now set correctly.
- 1.4 (7/94) Added sorting by authors, but still only semi-functional,
- Added regexp searching by field,
- "getEntry" bugs fixed.
- 1.2 (7/94) Bib mode definition adapted to Alpha 5.85,
- Added bib-file marking (bibMarkFile),
- Entry and field creation now controlled by data arrays.
- 1.1 (6/94) Custom BibTeX icon,
- Added simple search capability (matchingEntries).
- 1.0 (9/93) First stable version.
- Future Directions
- -----------------
- These are come of the ideas I'm considering for future enhancements to
- the BibTeX support package (roughly in the order they're likely to be
- addressed). I welcome any comments or additional ideas people may have.
- 1. Some sort of consistency and/or syntax checking of the database; for
- instance, verifying that all entries have the required fields and
- checking for duplicate entries.
- 2. Speed up entry reformatting
- 3. Allowing the user to interactively choose the standard fields used
- for a given entry type.
- 4. Allowing more complicated searches. Logical 'AND' searches can be
- done now by doing additional searches on the results of previous ones.
- It would be nice to allow logical 'OR' searches by concatenating the
- results of successive searches to a database in the same buffer. Ideas
- for simple, intuitive ways to control this would be welcome.
- ?. Since the code parses BibTeX entries already, it would be easy to
- export .bib files to other formats, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea
- to start burdening Alpha with that sort of thing. Writing Perl scripts
- for file conversions is probably a better idea. See, for instance, the
- "CC to BibTeX" Perl script (included in the :Tcl:UserCode:TextFilters
- folder), which converts citations from the on-line Current Contents
- database (the one at UC Berkeley, anyway) to BibTeX format.
- BibTeX application
- ==================
- If you don't already have a BibTeX application, version 2.0 of MacBibTeX
- can found at the following URL
- ftp://ftp.bluesky.com/ftp-area/pub/utilities/BibTeX.sea.hqx
- (You can download it by selecting the above URL and running the
- 'sendURL' command from the' Utils' menu.)
- MacBibTeX was written by
- Jim Studt <jim@wucs1.wustl.edu> , and
- Michael Kahn <kahn@wucs1.wustl.edu>
- based on Oren Patashnik's original BibTeX 0.99c .
- Acknowledgments
- ===============
- This package was inspired by LaTeX support package (latex.tcl), written by
- Tom Scavo <trscavo@syr.edu> , and (originally),
- Richard T. Austin <austin@eecs.umich.edu>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ###########################################################################
- # Notes:
- #
- # By default, only the required fields are included when a new bib entry
- # is created. You can select any other set of fields to be used by adding
- # an appropriate entry to the 'myFld' array, following the example for the
- # Article entry, further below. You shouldn't change the 'rqdFld' or
- # 'optFld' arrays, since these will (some day) be used for syntax checking.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # written by Tom Pollard (pollard@cucbs.chem.columbia.edu)
- #
- # Version History
- #
- # 2.7 (7/95) 'stdAbbrevs' modeVar added for setting predefined abbrevs
- # month names included as predefined abbrevs
- # 'alignEquals' formatting flag added.
- # 2.62 (7/95) field delimiters suppressed if field data is an abbreviation
- # unindexed .bib files are indexed automatically upon opening
- # 2.61 (7/95) fixed "SearchFields" bug.
- # 2.6 (6/95) 'zapEmptyFields' flag forces optional fields to be removed
- # when reformatting an entry.
- # 'markStrings' flag controls whether @string entries are included in
- # the marks menu.
- # 'descendingYears' flag controls whether sorts are in ascending or
- # descending chronological order.
- # Sorts all use the year as either primary or secondary sort key now.
- # 'copyCiteKey' command copies the citekey of the current entry to the
- # clipboard.
- # Cmd-double-clicking implemented to resolve abbreviations and crossrefs.
- # Fixed bug in faster getFields proc (comma-after-last-field problems)
- # Fixed minor bugs in author sorting.
- # 2.5 (6/95) Fixed bug in formatEntry, whereby '#' concatenations were lost
- # formatEntry completely ignores @string entries now
- # Entry-parsing code (getFields, getFldVal) cleaned up,
- # should also be a little bit faster now.
- # formatAllEntries now starts working from the current entry
- # 2.41 (6/95) Updates for compatibility with revised LaTeX mode
- # Automatic conversion of international characters dropped
- # (irreconcilable problems with non-US keyboards).
- # 2.4 (5/95) Fixed bugs in parsing of EndNote-created bib files
- # 2.3 (4/95) International characters converted to TeX codes (optionally).
- # 'findEntries' bug fixed (no longer returns multiple hits)
- # 2.2 (12/94) 'formatEntries' won't quote fields that contain "#".
- # 'segregateStrings' flag forces string defs to sort to the top.
- # 2.11(12/94) Bug fixes in 'formatAllEntries'.
- # 2.1 (12/94) 'countEntries' command added.
- # 'formatAllEntries' command added; it's a bit clunky, but more robust
- # than any quicker alternative I considered.
- # Cross-referenced entries now sort to the bottom in all sorts.
- # 'crossref' field now included.
- # 2.0 (9/94) 'formatEntry' and 'newEntry' line up fields better.
- # 'nextEntry' and 'prevEntry' skip @string defs
- # 'formatEntry' automtically goes to next entry afterwards.
- # 'sortByCitekey' ignores case of cite keys.
- # 'fillColumn' included as default modeVar.
- # 'getEntry' alerts user to badly delimited entries.
- # 1.9 (9/94) 'getFields' should now correctly parse any legal entry.
- # 'language' field now included.
- # Default values for new fields (eg 'language') may be defined
- # 'preferBraces' replaced by 'fieldBraces' and 'entryBraces'.
- # line-wrapping is done on reformatted entries.
- # '@string' entries preserved in sorts.
- # text before first entry and after last entry are preserved
- # by sorts.
- # 1.8 (8/94) "getEntry" now recognizes parens as entry delimiters
- # 1.7 (8/94) Bug fixes and accomodations to latex.tcl v2.2
- # Template insertion streamlined
- # Choose multiple fields at a time from list dialog
- # 1.6 (8/94) "preferBraces" allows braces or quotes to be default for
- # new or reformatted entries,
- # Menu built using $entryNames and $fieldNames,
- # 'sortByAuthors' can now sort using last author first,
- # and is a bit faster,
- # 'formatEntry' rewrites entries in canonical format,
- # More customization of canonical format allowed ('indentString')
- # Bib mode definition adapted to Alpha 5.90.
- # 1.5 (7/94) "sortByAuthors" is now robust (I think),
- # Mode of new windows now set correctly.
- # 1.4 (7/94) Added sorting by authors, but still only semi-functional,
- # Added regexp searching by field,
- # "getEntry" bugs fixed.
- # 1.2 (7/94) Bib mode definition adapted to Alpha 5.85,
- # Added bib-file marking (bibMarkFile),
- # Entry and field creation now controlled by data arrays.
- # 1.1 (6/94) Custom BibTeX icon,
- # Added simple search capability (matchingEntries).
- # 1.0 (9/93) First stable version.
- #
- ###########################################################################